
Authoring and publishing scientific papers has given me technical skills that I can use to help others get their ideas published. I also do ongoing training through the Editorial Freelancers Association and LinkedIn Learning. In addition to improving my technical skills, I am committed to expanding my knowledge of inclusive language.

All of my writing and editing is human powered. That means that anything I write or edit for you is done without the use of AI. Likewise, I do not edit AI-generated content.

Also note that I follow Editors Canada’s Guidelines for Ethical Editing of Graduate Student Texts.


  • summarize research results for a public audience

  • transform ideas, meeting notes, or outline into a clear, useful document

  • create reports, fact sheets, white papers, web content, or educational materials


  • improve the flow and clarity of a text at the sentence and paragraph level

  • ensure that the author’s voice is maintained while improving stylecheck spelling, grammar, syntax, punctuation, and references

  • ensure that the document conforms to a style sheet, or create a style sheet


  • make a last pass on an edited document to ensure that it is free of grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes

    Academic editing

  • copyedit or proofread manuscripts, chapters, dissertations, or grant proposals for clarity, flow, and overall consistency

  • ensure that the requested style guide is followed and the final product is polished


I charge between $0.03 and $0.06 per word for proofreading, between $0.04 and $0.09 per word for copyediting, and $0.30–$1.00 per word for writing. 

Every copyediting project is different, so I can provide a sample edit and project estimate based on a sample of the work.

In addition to being a federal contractor, I am registered with the Nevada System of Higher Education. I accept payment via ACH or PayPal.